
Showing posts from April, 2014


A Non-Existent Title That Isn't Very Fun

My brain has run dry of ideas. I have none whatsoever and I'm not sure if it's because I've been extremely busy lately that I can't really think or if I'm just really bored and don't want to think. Well no, I really actually need  to think. I really need  a new idea. But I just can't grab hold of one. So, this here is a jumble of thoughts ungathered, unedited, and all definitely unfinished . Spring. This year, the spring equinox was on March 20 and yet, where I am, the weather is anything but pleasantly warm. It just snowed on Wednesday last week and the bitter wind is a constant reminder that the groundhog's prediction wasn't very accurate. Either that or extremely accurate since it's still chilling outside. I hate hot weather, it irritates me, but this is just getting ridiculous. School. I'm kind of happy that the school year is ending because I can't wait to go on vacations and spend my whole day with my little brother. But ...