The Beginning After The End
We say goodbye to them, gripping hands and our glistening eyes tell the rest of that farewell. They'll appear again when we need them. Or maybe they never really leave. It's the end. All those memories we made - it just doesn't seem like we've made enough yet. It's been such a good year and I will cherish the last few days of school like a camel would cherish an oasis filled with water after a thousand miles of desert. I'll never forget this year. But, I'll admit being excited for summer and being able to spend more time with my friends or sleeping like the lazy person I am. (Just kidding.) The final school project: time capsules. And in another six years - at the end of our senior year - we'll come back to dig it up. It's quite exciting. I haven't decided what to put in it yet. I hope future me doesn't change too much. I kind of like the optimistic and naive me of now. I'm trying not to think too much of the future and j...