The Perks of Being a Human
"If today were the last day of my life,
would I want to do
what I'm about to do today?"
- Steve Jobs
Why do you think money exists?
I think there are many perks about being human. I mean, you can do so many things other animals, like birds for instance, cannot do. Can birds invent world-changing things? Probably not. Can birds fly into space? Probably not. There are lots of pros about being human. We do not adapt like other animals - we bend the world so it suits us. Which sounds pretty shellfish, doesn't it?
Sorry, I just couldn't resist.
Then there's that one con. It's those little green slips that humans need to live a comfortable life. We are the only animals that pay to exist. They say money cannot buy happiness and it really can't. But it buys food that we can eat. It buys us shelter so we can live. Money is important.
Which is why I hate it. This idea that being rich means having everything you could ever want. Is it true that if you have lots of "green" that you have everything within your grasp? I am only a child, you know, so I may not understand (prefrontal cortex and all that jazz) but here's my thought. Having everything you could ever want does not only correlate with being rich and does not only describe the spoiled children.
Those who seem to have nothing can have everything. Happiness, love, wisdom, adventure. Aren't those things possible without lots of cash?

I am like any other - happy with what I have but always wanting more. I am selfish, and I still want like other people. I want a nice house, a nice car, nice foods to eat, and nice things. Hopefully, you don't think I'm greedy or too materialistic. You can if you want - I won't talk you out of it.
Why is it that people still starve in this world of plenty? Wouldn't it be fine if we can all have what we needed and wanted? If everything were free (even love isn't totally free, is it?), we would all be full. But that is only a dream I still dream and one I don't think will ever become reality, no matter how hard I wish.
And wishes. The next few sentences are kind of hypocritical so you can try to ignore my hypocrisy but I'd much rather you embrace it. If you want and wish for money to spend - don't. Instead, wish for more time to spend because time is all you need to find happiness with the world and with yourself.
Now, thank you for bearing with me and I'd be glad if you read to paragraph five but if you made it to here, then you deserve a million more of my thank you's.
Hello Melissa,
ReplyDeleteMy name is John Hamilton, and I am studying to obtain a Master's Degree in Mathematics. We are researching #comments4kids in one of our classes, and someone linked your blog to that page. Your blog is exceptional. You've nailed one of the biggest problems in society today. Not many people would have been able to describe their feelings like you did here! The analogies and your sneaky sense of humor are great. Good luck with your future endeavors, you have a bright future!
John- I was the one who linked her page to that hashtag. Melissa is/was a student of mine and will be entering 7th grade this year. Be sure to read her previous posts as well. She is an extremely talented young lady who I expect to do some really amazing things and make a major impact on this world (no pressure there Melissa). My students started blogging last school year and Melissa has taken to this like the bird she references in her post - soaring. Let me know if I can help you in anyway as well. Best of luck with your Masters.
DeleteThank you, Mr. John Hamilton and Mr. Storm. You don't have any idea know how much these comments mean to me. Comments like these always make me so happy and they give me hope that maybe I will make a big difference one day. I'm glad you appreciate my "sneaky sense of humor" and I hope to achieve a Master's Degree someday, too, and I wish you luck with your future as well :)
DeleteAnd seriously Mr. Storm, your the best. And I'll always be your student.
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ReplyDeleteWow! Super impressed with not only this particular post, but your blog as a whole! Reading through this entry I found my hope in the future rejuvenated. If other young people like yourself can muster the courage to seek riches in things other than money and tangible treasure our world will be a much better, friendlier and caring place. I look forward to continuing to read your posts, keep up the great work!
Jasper Fox Sr.
8th Grade Earth Sciences
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ReplyDeleteReally amazing piece of writing. Very well thought out. You clearly did a lot of thinking, developing your ideas, thinking of the clearest, and most powerful way to convey them. You do have a sneaky sense of humor! You also have an uncanny ability to drop beautifully crafted (poetic even) sentences into a piece, when you wouldn't expect them. With a topic like money, we often expect bland writing--facts, numbers, budgets--but you put such a beautiful spin on it. Nice work, keep writing!
Doug DeMaio
Young Writers Project
That makes two people who appreciate my sneaky sense of humor! You've made my day, that's for sure. I'm glad you like my writing and thank you for your time and encouragements. I took a quick (well, maybe not so quick) at your project and wow. So, I guess I should thank you for helping other young writers achieve their goals and help them with writing. I hear your pretty nice, too. (On the Contact Us page, I laughed for a good five seconds.)