The Beginning After The End
We say goodbye to them, gripping hands and our glistening eyes tell the rest of that farewell. They'll appear again when we need them. Or maybe they never really leave.
It's the end. All those memories we made - it just doesn't seem like we've made enough yet.
It's been such a good year and I will cherish the last few days of school like a camel would cherish an oasis filled with water after a thousand miles of desert. I'll never forget this year. But, I'll admit being excited for summer and being able to spend more time with my friends or sleeping like the lazy person I am. (Just kidding.)

I'm trying not to think too much of the future and just live in the today but I like setting goals and thinking. I also have a problem with achieving all my goals sometimes, which is definitely not a good thing.

two quotes about beginnings:
"Every ending is a new beginning." -Marianne Williamson.
"The best is yet to be." -Robert Browning
Both are six words long and simple but the words hold a certain power and feeling to them.
I'm not even sure what this post it about. I had began with the idea of saying how I will be missing everyone but am excited about summer and next year and now I'm spurting quotes.
I'm really bad at endings, you know. I hate them, too. Endings. The End. "Wait, that's it? What happens after?" Everyone says good things always come to an end - do they? I don't think so. Memories will still exist. Pictures, feelings. Some things are everlasting. And every end gives birth to a new beginning.
I am certain "the best is yet to be" for you. Go after those goals!