The Little Engine That Could
The larger engines scoffed at the pitiful size of the engine. The idea of something so small pulling such a big and heavy load up a high mountain seemed impossible. But the little engine thought he could do it so he pulled the load up the mountain while repeating, "I think I can, I think I can." And eventually, he did make it up that mountain.

Perseverance and faith in itself. The only size that matters to succeed is that of your determination. The little locomotive never gave up - never let go of hope even when the mountain got rockier and harder to go up.
So, let's just cut to the chase.
Never give up on yourself. Don't you ever let anyone tell you that you can't. Because you can. If you believe it, you will. Because really, what do they know about what you can or can not do? The possibility of you doing something, whether it seems impossible or not, depends on sheer determination. Everyone has the capabilities of changing their lives and of their situation; if you want to change, then change.
I'm going to end my train of thought here. Hahaha. What a horrible pun. See? That's what you gotta do. Do what you want even if it seems weird or impossible, even if people will absolutely hate you for it. Just remember, all things are possible if you want to do it.
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