The Most Important Things
"In life, never forget these important things: One, that home is not a place, but a feeling. Two, that time is not measured by a clock, but by moments. And three, that heartbeats are not heard, but felt and shared." - Unknown "School is important." "You have to go to college." "You need a job that makes money." These "ideals" have been with me since I first started thinking about what I wanted to do in my future. I understand; money is a necessity for a comfortable life. An ugly kind of necessity, but a necessity nonetheless. And certain things are needed to obtain that necessity. Of course, I haven't exactly decided on a permanent career path ever since those "ideals" started to obstruct my view. For now, I have decided to leave those things in the future for the future. I'd like to enjoy what is left of my childhood which is slowly coming to an end. My last year of middle school is soon to be ...